Water is one of the essential material needed for the maintenance of life, often we do overlook the importance of water as a diet.
DIGESTION: Water is very important for the body as it aids the digestion of food ingested. When you eat, you're expected to drink some water, this does not only help in masticating the food and speed up the rate of digestion, not so many people know that improper digestion contributes to excessive body weight. When you drink enough water, you're indirectly working on your body physique. Drinking water has prove to be a very effecting method to reduce body weight. It's advice-able to drink at least a glass cup of water, before or after every meal.
WASHES THE BOWEL: A doctor once advice my mum to drink a glass cup of water before taking anything in the morning, she observes that after drinking the water every morning, she'd be forced to go to the toilet. Drinking water every morning washes your bowel and helps in excreting unwated material, making you lighter and more healthier. Drinking a cup of water before eating is a very good way to start an healthy day.
HELPS IN FILTRATION: The kidney is responsible for filtration of processed material, what it does is separate wanted material from unwanted materials, this is made possible with the aid of water, have you ever observe that on some occassion your urine is not as colourless as it is expected to be? instead you have this yellowish urine, the major reason for such urine colour is poor filtration, drinking enough water is a good way to keep this in check.
REDUCE DEHYDRATION: Dehydration causes alot of defect in the body, ranging from dry throat, to dry skin, severe dehydration might raise a red flag on your health, since the brain requires alot of oxygen for it to function properly, shortttage of oxygen might result into hallucination and convultion.
MOISTURIZE THE SKIN: When the volume of water in the body is insufficient, the body through various mechanism, trys to retain the little available water, this retention of the little watter makes your skin looks dry, since water help to moisturize and reduce wrinkles.
The bennefit of water cannot be over emphasized, drinking a minimum of 3-5litres of water per day is highly recommended by physicians.